

繪者: acid3


分級: NC-17

插圖分級: PG-13


內容/警告:(劇透高亮)主角一死再死(別擔心,不會卡在這情況裡!),數以桶計的黑色幽默,未成年(十五歲時有一個吻,斯內普這方有了性意識,15/16歲時持續發展,但沒有真的發生未成年性行為),帶點恐怖風格的焦慮,臨時起意的非自願性行為(不是在Snarry配對裡),自殺的念頭與嘗試,黑白不太分明的道德觀,不完美的角色,反覆回溯的時空旅行[][] 原文是wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey,根據網路查詢結果,應是出自影集Doctor Who,用以描述因果非呈線性關係時(例如時光旅行),因果關係將糾結成團的情況。喔,再加上一個明確的大團圓結局。;)*

摘要: 哈利向以「大難不死的男孩」之名為人所知,唯有西弗勒斯曉得這是個彌天大謊。(或者是在七幕劇裡不斷出現的西弗勒斯.斯內普肖像)

附註1 本故事一開始是2011年底在petulanscirakait協助下想出來的惡搞文點子,接著我開始寫作,而這故事決定它想要變得比搞笑文還要有份量——以及更長得多的篇幅!

(以下為作者致謝名單,請恕我省略了翻譯)The thank you list for this one is equally massive: first, to everyone at the severusharrybb community—thank you for the cheering, the pep-talks and the glimpses at all your WIPs; you kept me going when frustration with JKR’s plotholes and fear of deadlines made it tough to keep going. To the mods for putting such hard work into organising this big bang, with extra special thanks to accioslash for much needed honesty when I was angsting over the ending of this which prompted the brainwave I needed. To my britpicker rycolfan for her reassurance, badgerlady for whipping my typos and M-dashes into shape, petulans for excellent alpha input as always and final corrections, and abrae for a fantastic and thorough beta (the semicolon is dead; long live the semicolon!) and her immeasurably kind words. ♥ And last, but not least, to my artist—I hope you’ve had as much of a blast illustrating this as I have had writing it!


翻譯授權:(這篇文的翻譯授權是跟In Perpetuity一起申請的,故授權信是同一份)

Hi there,

Thank you so much for your message; it's incredibly flattering to know you love the stories enough to want to translate them. :) Of course you have permission to do so. I'd appreciate a link back to my journal if possible (and it'd be brilliant to have a link to the finished translations as well so I can link to them myself!)

Wishing you the best of luck with it,






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